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New Bioheat Website Issues PSA for Consumers

Revamped site aims to educate heating oil customers while serving as a marketing resource for fuel dealers

A revamped Bioheat website for consumers positions Bioheat Fuel as the centerpiece of the heating oil industry’s transition to renewable liquid heating fuels. The site,, aims to inform the public of state and federal legislation aimed at phasing out oilheat through electrification and carbon taxation, and makes the case for Bioheat Fuel as a safer, cleaner, more affordable residential heat source.

Bioheat fuel is a blend of biodiesel and ultra-low-sulfur heating oil.

“Policy makers say that through electrification, they can decarbonize the heating sector by shifting the power grid to 100% renewable energy,” says Paul Nazzaro, NBB Liaison. “Although this is far from feasible in the near term, that’s the narrative that many legislators are espousing to their constituents. And unless our industry works to educate our customers on the realities of policy-driven electrification—while also moving to higher blends of Bioheat® Fuel—that’s the narrative they’ll be led to believe.”

The website maps the industry’s road to B50 Bioheat Fuel by 2030-—which aligns with the decarbonization targets being set by many policy makers around the country—while also dispelling misinformation related to the performance of biodiesel blends in today’s heating equipment.

“ is filled with information, resources, and facts that heating oil dealers can share with their customers to stay a step ahead,” said Nazzaro, “Having a consumer-focused website solely focused on the benefits of biodiesel in home heating applications allows us to share the latest updates about the operability and performance of biodiesel blends in heating equipment and other issues specific to the consumer audience.”

Made from an increasingly diverse mix of resources such as recycled cooking oil, soybean oil and animal fats, biodiesel is a renewable, clean-burning diesel replacement that can be used in existing diesel engines without modification. It is the nation’s first domestically produced, commercially available advanced biofuel.

For more information, visit
